Saturday 30 October 2010

More ideas for poverty

Figures and facts e.g. 20,000 die each day from poverty.

Look at how much food we waste.

How little food/water some people have.

One child dies every 5 seconds from hunger.

The lack of basic human needs e.g. health care, education.

Friday 29 October 2010

Group review

We have met up as a group and reviewed what everyone is doing.

As the focus has moved to developing countries we thought it would be a better idea to use ethics as our topic as we are highlighting right and wrong.

We will be a graphics design company that highlights poverty in the world.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Alphabet Spaghetti

I could use alphabet spaghetti to write messages on plates and turn them into posters.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

paper planes

This is an idea of how the planes might look when finished.

Monday 25 October 2010

The word on the street...

How do you think Globalism has affected world poverty? 

I think globalism has affected world poverty negatively. If you take McDonalds for example they are encouraging farmers world wide to produce as much beef as possible to supply the meet they need for the burgers and in places like Brazil acres and acres of rain forest are being cut down and burnt down to provide the farmers with land but in the process indigenous people are being put out of the forests and they are being forced to live in conditions which there not adapted for and as a result those individuals are being made very poor and have to rely on whatever other means they can come up with and sometimes that can be charity and stuff like that.

Well I think that globalism has had a very negative impact on the world in general you know in terms of poverty as bigger business are out running smaller business therefore the smaller business man is loosing and capitalism once again is just taking over.

Well I really don’t know like I don’t now that much about it cause its just like all I know is when I go into some of these supermarkets and can buy clothes for a fraction of the cost, like I have a big family and its hard for me to make ends meet as well, like its just not all about people in the third world and if I can buy t-shirts at two and three pound well why shouldn’t I? Is that not a good thing?

I think globalism aids world poverty as it exploits the poor countries.

I think it’s a bit of a joke cause ourselves are loosing out on quite a lot of jobs cause all these business are taking their work further afield instead of using their local expertise.

I think its good cause you can go to Premark get a few t-shirts for a few pound, and its better them having work than no job.

Well I don’t know too much about the subject to be honest but I defiantly think its unfair that large companies are pushing out smaller companies and its not really fair they can produce larger quantises cheaper on mass production, smaller companies don’t stand a chance.

I think its contributed toward world poverty cause large companies like McDonalds and stuff are globalising the whole world and there taking away from smaller local businesses, so I think over all its takes away from independent farmers and companies that are trying to set up their own business and develop more and its taken away from them cause their using their big brand recognition worldwide and people automatically go toward them.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Ideas for display

Planes: Make planes out of paper as they carry food/people around the world. Without them Globalism wouldn’t be possible.

Passports: Have different countries passport stamps showing their C02 footprint.

Messages: Interview members of the public.

Airplane meals: Have two plates with our food on one and the poor countries on the other.

Suitcases: could design different logos for different countries and put them on it.

Monday 18 October 2010

Effects of Globalism on developing countries

As globalism affects the entire world I have decided to look at those most venerable in the third world.

Most often it can lower the quality of life as companies can produce goods and services in the lowest cost location.

Jobs moved to locations that have the lowest wages, least worker protection and lowest health benefits.

Production move to areas with the least pollution regulations or worker safety regulations.

Stronger bigger countries e.g. USA may over run the smaller countries/cultures leading to their customs and values fading away. This is also know as Americanization. 

Monday 11 October 2010


You could also use flowers to represent different countries.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Cartoon ideas

It might be a nice idea to use a cartoon character to represent to brand.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Globalism ideas

Theses are some drawing of logos I have designed which I may use.